Sales Revenue Tracker

Want to consolidate your sales activity across multiple payment processors & see your exact sales numbers at a glance...without the hassle of manual updates or navigating complex software?


Get my plug-and-play Sales Revenue Tracker for effortlessly tracking your sales every month and year, transforming scattered data into actionable insights in less time than it takes to brew your morning coffee.



You’re juggling multiple payment processors and tried to keep your sales data organised across different platforms.

Now…it's time to streamline your sales tracking process, eliminate manual data entry, and see your business's financial health in one unified dashboard. 

The million dollar question is…


Is it even possible to see all your sales numbers in one spot, accurately track your revenue, and make data-driven decisions — without the need for constant manual updates or spending hours trying to align data from different sources?


Spoiler alert: yes, yes it is.

Picture this 

you snap your fingers and…

Your sales data from multiple payment processors automatically consolidates into one comprehensive dashboard

You no longer worry about manual entry errors or spend hours trying to make sense of scattered information

You're making informed decisions easily while watching your business grow with a clear vision of your financial health

Now, this obviously doesn’t happen QUITE so effortlessly, but…


Here’s how simple it can be to get your exact sales numbers at your fingertips:

Step 1

Get Started in Minutes

Install the Sales Revenue Tracker template to your ClickUp workspace with just a few clicks. It’s designed to integrate seamlessly, so you can get started in less time than it takes to finish your morning coffee.

Step 2

Watch Your Tracker Come To Life

With your sales data automating into ClickUp, you'll see your sales revenue tracker update in real-time. Enjoy at-a-glance insights into your monthly and yearly sales, all categorised by payment processor and more. 

Step 3

Visual Sales Data

Once connected to your payment processors, watch as your sales data transforms into a clear and visually appealing format. Say goodbye to confusing spreadsheets and hello to intuitive graphs and charts that give you instant insights into your revenue streams.

That's right!

When you use the Sales Revenue Tracker you don't have to…


Spend hours manually entering data or reconciling figures across different platforms

Worry about the accuracy of your sales tracking or the reliability of your financial insights

Deal with the frustration of using multiple, disconnected tools to get a clear picture of your sales performance

Bottom line:

Navigating your sales revenue tracking can really be as seamless as setting up this template and watching your data come together in one place.

Want to take the burden of manual sales tracking off your to-do list for good — and get it done in less than an hour?


Sales Revenue Tracker

Grab my automated Sales Revenue Tracker, integrate it into your workflow, and start managing your sales data with unparalleled ease and efficiency — seeing all your numbers in one place without the hassle of manual updates!



Here’s a sneak peek of what you’ll find inside the Sales Revenue Tracker


The best tool to unify your sales tracking and reporting, regardless of how many different platforms you use


Step-by-step tutorials for integrating your payment processors with ClickUp and setting up automated data syncs


A customizable dashboard that provides real-time insights into your sales performance


Custom fields designed to capture the essence of your sales data without the need for constant manual updates


A simple way to categorise your sales activity making it easier than ever to analyse your business's financial health


Sales Revenue Tracker

Grab my automated Sales Revenue Tracker, integrate it into your workflow, and start managing your sales data with unparalleled ease and efficiency — seeing all your numbers in one place without the hassle of manual updates!


Get instant access to:

  • Sales Revenue Tracker ClickUp Template
  • Sales Revenue Dashboard Tech Tutorials
  • Real-time insights so you can make informed decisions quickly and adapt to market changes or sales trends
  • Scalability to accommodate increasing volumes of sales data and more complex analysis needs as your business grows




Sales Revenue Tracker ClickUp Template

Easy install and completely customizable ClickUp Template


Step-By-Step Instructions

Instructions to connect Stripe and PayPal to your ClickUp account


Sales Revenue Dashboard Video Trainings

20-minute video training to build and customise your dashboard


Worried about becoming overwhelmed by the technical side of things?


You're not alone!


So many clients have shared their concerns about the complexity of setting up and using a sales tracking system. They feared it would be too complicated, too technical, or just too much effort to maintain.


But the truth is: the key to effective sales tracking isn't in using the most complex system out there; it's about using a tool that simplifies the process while still providing comprehensive insights.


And the good news is... I created the Sales Revenue Tracker to make this process as straightforward as possible. You'll even get a step-by-step video tutorial to master the setup quickly and a guide on automating data entry, ensuring that managing your sales data becomes a breeze, not a burden.


Sales Revenue Tracker

Grab my automated Sales Revenue Tracker, integrate it into your workflow, and start managing your sales data with unparalleled ease and efficiency — seeing all your numbers in one place without the hassle of manual updates!


Get instant access to:

  • Sales Revenue Tracker ClickUp Template
  • Sales Revenue Dashboard Tech Tutorials
  • Real-time insights so you can make informed decisions quickly and adapt to market changes or sales trends
  • Scalability to accommodate increasing volumes of sales data and more complex analysis needs as your business grows



This isn’t just about tracking sales or seeing numbers in a dashboard


Sure, I created the Sales Revenue Tracker to help you easily manage and analyse your sales data. That’s important!


But it’s not just about financial clarity or business metrics.


It’s about giving you back your peace of mind — offering a tool that simplifies your workload and empowers you to make informed decisions that drive your business forward.


And that’s who this is really for — business owners who want to streamline their operations AND have more time to focus on growth, innovation, and the things that matter most.


I remember the first time I saw all my sales data organised and clear, realising I could finally focus more on strategy than on tedious tasks. I want that for you, too…whatever it looks like in your business journey.

Got a question?


Yes, you should sign up to ClickUp before purchasing this template as you’ll need to be signed in to access it. 



We recommend using ClickUp's paid Business Plan to make use of all the cool features in this template as Automations, Custom Fields and Dashboard Cards are limited to 100 uses or not accessible on ClickUp's Free Forever Plan.


What if I don’t use Zapier yet?
No worries! The template comes with instructions on how to get started with Zapier. We recommend using Zapier's paid Starter Plan as the zap to automate your sales activity from PayPal requires a multi-step zap which is not accessible on the free plan.


Do I get instant access to everything when I sign up?

Yes, as soon as your purchase is successful, you'll get instant access to the Sales Revenue Tracker, guides, step-by-step instructions and video trainings for the Sales Revenue Dashboard. They'll be available in your inbox within minutes!



A PDF document will be available upon purchasing the template. You will be prompted to download the document immediately. The PDF document contains the link to the Sales Revenue Tracker template.


Will this include a video demonstration on how to set up and use the template effectively?
Absolutely! You'll receive comprehensive step-by-step instructions together with video trainings that cover everything from setting up the template in your ClickUp account to integrating it with your payment processors via Zapier.


I'm not very tech-savvy. Will I still be able to make this work?
Definitely. The Sales Revenue Tracker and its accompanying resources are designed with simplicity in mind. Plus, the step-by-step tutorials will guide you through every process, making it user-friendly for everyone, regardless of technical skill level.


How much time does it take to implement the template and start seeing results?
You can have the template set up and running in less than an hour. As for seeing results, it depends on your sales cycle, but you'll start to see your sales data organised and accessible right away.


What’s the refund policy?
As you are able to download, make use of and copy the product immediately, we will only offer refunds in limited circumstances at our discretion. If for any reason the Sales Revenue Tracker doesn’t meet your expectations, please let us know.


I have one more question. How can I reach out to you?
Feel free to email me at if you’ve got any other questions or need support with the template.


Sales Revenue Tracker

Grab my automated Sales Revenue Tracker, integrate it into your workflow, and start managing your sales data with unparalleled ease and efficiency — seeing all your numbers in one place without the hassle of manual updates!


Get instant access to:

  • Sales Revenue Tracker ClickUp Template
  • Sales Revenue Dashboard Tech Tutorials
  • Real-time insights so you can make informed decisions quickly and adapt to market changes or sales trends
  • Scalability to accommodate increasing volumes of sales data and more complex analysis needs as your business grows